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Rock Band gets The Police, OK Go, War singles next week

Latest volley of downloadable tunes includes songs from eclectic mix of artists; due out March 15 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii.


No Caption Provided Despite Rock Band developer Harmonix being hit with layoffs and publisher MTV Games being shuttered, the Boston-area developer isn't ceasing to support its games--namely Rock Band 3--with new songs each week. That trend will continue next week when Harmonix offers up four new songs from three artists.
Rock Band 3's song library grows next week with four new tunes.
Rock Band 3's song library grows next week with four new tunes.

Available for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii next Tuesday, March 15, will be singles from The Police, OK Go, and War. The tracks are all master recordings and will be available in European regions on March 16. Each song sells for $2 on the PlayStation Network, 160 MS points via Xbox Live, and 200 Wii points from the Wii virtual marketplace.

The four new songs are listed below. Those denoted with an X have Pro Guitar and Pro Bass expansions available for an additional $1.

OK Go - "Shooting the Moon"
The Police - "So Lonely"
The Police - "Every Breath You Take" X
War - "Spill the Wine"

For more on Harmonix's plastic instrument music game, check out GameSpot's review of Rock Band 3.

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