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Rust already made more than Garry's Mod's $30 million

Rust has caught up to Garry’s Mod’s nine years of sales in just a few months.

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Facepunch Studios’ Garry Newman said on Twitter that Garry’s Mod broke $30 million in sales yesterday, but that his more recent game Rust, which hit Steam Early Access in December of last year, has already surpassed it.

“Garry's Mod has just broke $30,000,000!” he said. “And if my calculations are correct - we have now officially made more money from Rust than Garry's Mod. 0.34% more!”

Newman also clarified that Facepunch Studios gets less royalties from Garry’s Mod than it does from Rust. The developer’s cut of a rust sale is 70 percent, while its cut of Garry’s Mod sale is 50 percent or $2.50 if it’s sold as part of a package. Rust is also currently priced at $20, while Garry's Mod goes for $10.

Only two developers were working on Rust full-time before it was released to Early Access on Steam, Newman said.

Last month, we reported that Rust made 55 percent of what Garry's Mod made in its nine-year lifetime, when it passed the $22 million mark.

in its February 6 update, Rust rid itself of the “zombie survival game” designation and comparisons to DayZ by completely removing zombies from the game.

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