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Ryse: Son of Rome season pass revealed

$20 offering will include four add-on packs to be released in months following launch.

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Microsoft and Crytek today announced the Ryse: Son of Rome season pass, a $20 offering that will include four expansion packs to be released in the months following launch.

The Ryse: Son of Rome season pass will be available for purchase at launch on November 22. It includes four expansions containing a total of 14 multiplayer maps, a new mode, six player skins, new level events, and access to a new tier of weapons and armor.

The four Ryse: Son of Rome expansions will be available for purchase individually, though the only way to receive an in-game sword and shield with bonus attributes for multiplayer will be through the pass.

Ryse: Son of Rome will be available as a boxed product at retail and through download at launch for $60. The game also features microtransactions for its multiplayer mode.

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