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Savage: Battle for Newerth demo available

S2's multiplayer FPS/RTS is up and running.


S2 Studios and iGames' demo for Savage: The Battle for Newerth is now available for download. Set in a future where humankind's last descendants engage in low-tech battle with a bestial army, the game combines role-playing and real-time strategy with first-person shooter and multiplayer action.

The demo version offers two levels where gamers can opt to play as a soldier, engaging the enemy in FPS mode, or as a commander, directing the battle RTS-style. Both modes employ the patented Silverback engine's 3D rendering, with an emphasis on cooperative gameplay.

If the demo isn't enough to slake your thirst for battle, the full game is currently available in stores. Savage is rated "T" for teen and sells for an MSRP of $49.99.

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