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Savage coming in August

S2 Games' hybrid first-person action and real-time strategy multiplayer game will move into open beta testing later this month.


S2 Games has announced that Savage: The Battle for Newerth is now scheduled to ship to retail stores on August 25. The unique multiplayer game, which combines first-person action and real-time strategy elements, is currently in the second beta-testing phase, which is open to those who preorder the game online at S2 Games expects to open the beta to the public near the end of July.

"We have been continuing to implement suggestions from the thousands of gamers currently taking part in the beta test," said Jesse Hayes, COO of S2 Games. "We recently introduced the beast horde into the game and will spend the remaining time period tweaking and balancing the game to ensure a solid and competitive gameplay experience."

For more details, check out our previous coverage of the game.

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