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See PAX West in 3D With our Behind-the-Scenes Photos

Behind-the-scenes at our Overwatch, Halo, and Borderlands cosplay shoots, showfloor booths, and more!


PAX West 2016 is in full-swing, and we got a fancy new camera to play around with! We're testing out how it looks on the site, and we thought it would be cool to share what the show looks like with 360 degree panoramas (which is basically 3D, right?). Click the images below to circle around the scene or zoom in on the action!

really cool halo circle - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA

Surrounded by a halo of Halo.

A Dragon and a Dinosaur at PAX 2016! - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA

Just riding some dinosaurs and dragons.

More random overwatch/outdoors - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA

Overwatch cosplay in the distance with a crowd of spectators. You can see more Overwatch cosplay from the show right here.

Surrounded at PAX 2016! - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA

Trying to hide in a group of Halo marines. We might not have been successful. You can see our Halo-focused PAX cosplay gallery right here.

Behind-the-scenes of the Borderlands cosplay shoot. You can see more Bordlerlands cosplay in our full cosplay roundup.

Do you want to see more shots like these? Let us know in the comments below, and we'll bring them to more shows!

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