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Silicon Knights Confirms Eternal Delay

The Eternal Darkness delay is made official by the game's developer.


Silicon Knights has gone on record confirming our previous reports of a delayed release for its Nintendo 64 game Eternal Darkness. The company released a statement saying, "Our work on Eternal Darkness is progressing very well. While we had initially hoped to complete our work to allow a release at the end of this year, we recently decided to spend more time polishing Eternal Darkness to make it the best game it can be. This means you can expect Eternal Darkness to become available very early in 2001. We would like to extend our apologies for not getting back to all of you fans and to those of you from the press who have asked to hear more. We are focusing all of our efforts toward completing Eternal Darkness and making it the best game it can be. We definitely look forward to having more time for communicating with you when Eternal Darkness is done."

Eternal Darkness is a single-player action-adventure game for the N64. It is the first Nintendo 64 game for Silicon Knights. As a second-party developer for Nintendo, it is expected that the company is also developing games for Nintendo's upcoming project "Dolphin."

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