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Skype group video calls now free on Xbox One, PC, and Mac

Service used to cost $4.99 a month, but those bad old days are over.

Despite using all these people to advertise the move, actual group calls on Skype are limited to a maximum of 10 people.
Despite using all these people to advertise the move, actual group calls on Skype are limited to a maximum of 10 people.

Microsoft has said it's now free to have a group video call over Skype on Xbox One, Windows PC, and Mac.

You used to have to pay $4.99 a month for the feature, but no longer. Imagine all the things you can now discuss virtually with a whole bunch of people! Rival video services such as Google Hangouts have offered free group calling for some time now, but Microsoft can likely still boast that Skype is a more recognisable service.

Skype allows up to 10 people to all natter away together as part of a group call, and Microsoft has pledged to bring group video calling to other platforms, such as iPad, in the future.

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