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Social Share: I can see your Halo

This weeks Social Share, Halo 4 goodies and gimmies, Windows 8 Update info, and more!


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Tech & Social Briefing

Need a little bit of a tech update? Not quite in the loop? Don't worry here's a little help.
- What Obama’s Victory Means for Tech
- Windows Phone 8: Everything you need to know (FAQ)
- How to avoid paying an extra 40$ for Windows 8 media center
- Cyber criminals look to exploit interest in Windows 8
- How to Use a PS3 Controller in Windows 8 in Local Mode
- Firefox to force secure connections for selected domains

Gaming Bulletin

A few interesting things happened in the world of games this week…
- Steam for Linux Beta Now available
- The Donkey Kong world record has been broken again
- Want Tatsunoko vs. Capcom? Better Buy It While You Still Can
- Security labels 290K+ Google Play Android apps 'high-risk'


Something funny always happening online, here's a few favorites for this week.
- Master Chief Helmet Made of Mountain Dew Boxes
- Legend of Zelda: Fruit Fantasy
- Guys, Stop Instagramming Your Ballots. Seriously.
- Moms have no idea which Call of Duty to buying this time
- I call it.. The Master Chief Mojito
- Westeros, Westeros, What are your Houses?
- Did you know GAMING?: Diablo
- Talking About Assassinating The President: This is a felony, btw.


Awesome little gaming goodies found around the web.
- Awakening: The Art of Halo 4 [Hardcover]
- TEN YEARS of Red vs. Blue!
- Halo 4 Series 1 Cortana Action Figure
- Halo 4 Master Chief Pop! Vinyl Figure


Halo 4 is here and it's amazing! Check out Abby Darkstar as a female version of Master Chief.

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Free To Play!

Wallet feeling the pressure from this weeks releases? Check out these freebies.
- Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
- ROSE Online
- Stronghold Kingdoms
- Dream of Pixels


Feeling lucky? More funny random finds.
- Jukebox Heroes: Rusty Hearts' soundtrack
- Hobbit Hole Recreated with 2,600 Balloons
- Custom Game Boy "CASTLEVANIA"
- Reasons to instal Microsoft Silverlight Pi Chart
- Li Li’s Travel Journal: WoW Mists of Pandaria


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