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Soldner delayed until summer

Encore announces that the shooter subtitled Secret Wars won't hit stores until June.


Citing the "overwhelming" response to the beta demo for Soldner: Secret Wars, Encore Software announced that it is postponing the game's release. Originally slated for a May 4 ship date, the game is now scheduled to deploy to stores on June 22, just after the official start of summer.

"The great support and feedback from both the Soldner community and gamers that downloaded the demo has been instrumental in helping our development partners identify and address issues with the game’s server/portal infrastructure, gameplay, and balancing," said Encore in a statement. The publisher assured those waiting for Soldner that it and Wing Simulations, the game's German developer, were resolving all issues to "ensure as smooth a launch as possible when the product ships to retail."

For more on Soldner: Secret Wars, check out GameSpot's single- and multiplayer previews.

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