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Sony exploring 'many' options for PS4 pricing

PlayStation maker says it is "very happy" with $399 pricing, but notes it will explore other options to see "what feels most comfortable" in the future.


Sony is exploring "many" options for PlayStation 4 pricing, Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida told GameSpot last evening.

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Asked if Sony may introduce a subsidized PS4 model, Yoshida explained that Sony is "very happy" with the $399 price point ($100 below Xbox One), but left open the possibility for new options in the future.

"We are interested to explore many different sections to [understand] what feels most comfortable in purchasing the PS4," Yoshida said. "But initially, we are pretty much focused on getting the right price. And we are very happy with the price."

Microsoft currently offers a subsidized Xbox 360, allowing gamers to grab the system for $99 if they commit to a two-year Xbox Live Gold subscription at a cost of $15 per month. The deal would cost less up front, but consumers will wind up spending more in the long run.

Yoshida also suggested that Sony may offer multiple PS4 models at launch, which was rumored yesterday.

"So we are not yet talking about day-one SKUs or options like that," he said. "As we approach the holiday we will be able to announce."

The PS4 will play used games and won't require an online check-in. The system's design is "almost" final.

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