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Sphinx undergoes name change

THQ changes the title of its Egyptian-themed action game.


THQ has announced that it will be changing the name of Sphinx and the Shadow of Set to Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy. According to the company, the new name better reflects the importance of the Mummy's role in the game, in which he must solve a variety of puzzles.

"Due to the popularity of the Mummy and his importance to the story of Sphinx, we decided to add his name to the title of the game," said Peter Dille, senior vice president, worldwide marketing, THQ. "The new title, Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy, focuses the attention on the stars of the upcoming Eurocom-developed title, and is an example of THQ understanding its audience and honing its marketing/creative efforts in order to 'hit the mark' with consumers."

Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy is scheduled for release this fall on the GameCube and PlayStation 2.

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