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Star Wars' Daisy Ridley Discusses What She Knows About Episode 8 Title

"I heard a title, and I'm not sure if it's going to be that."


Don't expect to learn the name of Star Wars Episode VIII anytime soon, it seems. Daisy Ridley, who played Rey in Episode VII and will reprise the role in the next film, said in a recent interview that it's going to be "a while" before Lucasfilm publicly discloses the name of the 2017 movie.

She appeared on a recent episode of the My Dad Wrote a Porno podcast and said she's heard a title for the movie, but acknowledged that it might not be final.

"I heard a title, and I'm not sure if it's going to be that," Ridley said, according to Entertainment Weekly. "I really don't know much about anything."

Asked for more details, she explained, "I have heard it, but I heard it a long time ago before we started filming. So I feel like some things have tweaked slightly during [production], but it's going to be a while before it's released, I'd imagine."

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As EW points out, Lucasfilm did not give The Force Awakens its official title until November 2014, which was 13 months before the film eventually came out in December 2015. The Rian Johnson-directed Episode VIII, whatever it ends up being called, is scheduled to come to theaters on December 15, 2017. Whether or not that 13-month announcement-to-release period stays true for Episode VIII remains to be seen.

Disney and Lucasfilm have a new Star Wars film, Rogue One, to promote this year, so we'd expect most or all of the focus to be on that film and not the one coming a year later. Rogue One, which is directed by Godzilla's Gareth Edwards, comes to theaters in December this year. It is the franchise's first spinoff movie and stars Felicity Jones, Forest Whitaker, and Ben Mendelsohn. Darth Vader will be in it.

You can listen to the full My Dad Wrote a Porno podcast here. It gets its name from creator Jamie Morton, who discovered a dirty book his dad wrote--and decided to read it to everyone, one chapter at a time.

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