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Star Wars: EP1 Battle for Naboo Announced

LucasArts and Factor 5 are teaming up again for another N64 shooter based on Star Wars. Details and screens inside.


LucasArts announced Star Wars: Episode I Battle for Naboo today. The Nintendo 64 game is being developed by Factor 5, the same developers responsible for Rogue Squadron. The 16-level game will follow the tradition set by Rogue Squadron, placing the player in a variety of different vehicles.

The game features an original storyline set in the Episode I universe, introducing new places and people along the way, such as the main character, Lt. Gavyn Sykes. As Sykes, you'll attempt to defend the planet of Naboo from forces led by the Trade Federation.

Star Wars: Episode I Battle for Naboo is expected to ship on the N64 this fall. Stay tuned for more information from the show floor at E3 next week.

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