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Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds ships

LucasArts announces the release of its real-time strategy game set in the Star Wars universe.


LucasArts has announced the release of Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds, its real-time strategy game set in the Star Wars universe. Galactic Battlegrounds uses the game engine used in Microsoft's Age of Empires II, and it lets players assume control of one of six factions vying for control of the galaxy. The main factions featured in the game include the Galactic Empire, the Rebel Alliance, the Wookiees, the Gungans, the Royal Naboo, and the Trade Federation. The game will feature a variety of combat units such as bounty hunters, Jedi knights, stormtroopers, X-Wings, AT-ATs, snowspeeders, and droids.

Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds was developed by LucasArts, and it will soon be available in stores for an approximate retail price of $44.95. For more information, take a look at our previous coverage of the game.

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