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Street Lethal Hands-On

We take Street Lethal for a test drive at E3 to find out how lethal the game really is.


Street Lethal really didn't impress me that much. In the demo version shown at E3 you could only pick one of three different futuristic concept cars, then simply race yourself around a track until you got tired. There were no opponents in place in the E3 demo, which made the game a little on the boring side.

Street Lethal was definitely pretty, but severe control problems kept the game from being all that eyebrow raising to me. The physics were off, and cornering was horrible. You'd have to break like a maniac to make it around even the slightest of curves, and you couldn't turn while you were breaking. I asked Activision if they planning on revising the physics of the game, and it said it was planning on tweaking the physics to provide an experience more like EA's Need For Speed series.

Street Lethal is still in the early stages of development, so it has plenty of time to evolve.

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