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Sucker Punch Drops Ghost Of Tsushima's Final Planned Patch

Active work on patches has ended.

Sucker Punch Productions revealed Ghost of Tsushima's latest version 2.18 patch is the last one for the game. While that seems to be the plan, the studio will still keep on the lookout for any bugs or issues that may occur.

"While we aren’t actively working on any additional patches at the moment, we will continue to monitor feedback on the community-run Gotlegends subreddit and messages sent to @SuckerPunchProd on Twitter for any high priority bugs or issues that emerge," the studio says.

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Now Playing: Ghost Of Tsushima Review

The patch fixes glitches and made adjustments to both the single-player game and the multiplayer Legends mode. In the single-player portion, the New Game Plus merchant now has increased silk inventory. The update has also fixed some dialogue and cutscene issues that may arise.

Ghost of Tsushima: Legends received many more changes, including a PS4 save import button to Legends standalone builds. Additionally, players can now search for teammates who want to play Custom Mode - Perfect completion.

It's a separate matchmaking option for those who want to team up with others looking to unlock the Hidden Heart cosmetic. It involves completing the challenging custom platinum survival mode with zero downs and zones lost, along with all optional objectives completed and all difficulty modifiers enabled.

In GameSpot's Ghost of Tsushima review, Edmond Tran said, "The game hits a lot of fantastic cinematic highs, and those ultimately lift it above the trappings of its familiar open-world quest design and all the innate weaknesses that come with it--but those imperfections and dull edges are definitely still there."

Ghost of Tsushima and Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut are available on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

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