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Supreme Commander 2 deploys in March

Square Enix and Gas Powered Games' massive-scale RTS arrives on PCs March 2, Xbox 360 version drops two weeks later.


Before Square Enix firmly stepped into Western markets with its acquisition of UK publisher Eidos in April, the publisher began dabbling in projects outside its tried-and-true role-playing game niche. One such project was Gas Powered Games' massive-scale real-time strategy game Supreme Commander 2, which Square Enix said it would be publishing last December.

SupCom 2 is going for the same sense of scale.
SupCom 2 is going for the same sense of scale.

Today, Square Enix mapped out a firm release date for Supreme Commander 2, saying the game will arrive in North America for the PC on March 2. The Xbox 360 edition will follow two weeks later on March 16. Yesterday, the publisher announced a spring 2010 ship date for the game in Europe.

Supreme Commander 2 picks up 25 years after the events depicted in 2007's highly acclaimed PC original. (The 360 version, developed by Hellbent Games, received a lackluster reception upon its launch more than a year later.) Players can assume command of three separate factions, each with its own special and experimental war-waging units. The game's single-player campaign features more than 18 missions. Multiplayer will also feature prominently in Supreme Commander 2, as the PC edition accommodates play for up to eight and the Xbox 360 version handles up to four gamers.

For more information, check out GameSpot's previous coverage of Supreme Commander 2.

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