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SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom E3 2004 Preshow Impressions

Fighters from SNK and Capcom fighting franchises will go head-to-head on the Xbox once again.


From X-Men vs. Street Fighter to Capcom vs. SNK, Capcom has enjoyed much success with a series of 2D crossover fighting games that pit a cast of Capcom characters against characters from other universes. The torch has been passed to SNK, which will handle the development duties on SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom, which has already appeared in arcades on SNK’s own NeoGeo platform and is now on its way to the Xbox.

While the Capcom line of vs. games have been primarily based on the Street Fighter gameplay model, SVC Chaos will feel more akin to SNK titles such as The King of Fighters. You can expect each character to have his or her own unique arsenal of moves, including special, super special, and a third, new level of exceed moves to overpower your opponents with. The effectiveness of your special moves will be dictated by a three-tiered power gauge that will fill up over the course of a match.

The game will feature a grand total of 36 fighters from existing SNK and Capcom franchises including the likes of Fatal Fury, Samurai Shodown, The King of Fighters, and Street Fighter, as well as two brand-new fighters named Shiki and Athena. There will also be a whopping 16 boss characters and four hidden playable characters. You’ll be able to play in a standard arcade mode, as well as a two-player vs. mode and a practice mode. When playing against the computer, you’ll have eight different levels of difficulty to adjust how much of a fight your computer-controlled opponent puts up, which should prove to be a nice feature for the novice and expert players alike.

In the dwindling arena of 2D fighters, it sounds like SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom will provide a subtly different experience from Capcom’s existing stable of crossover fighters. Stay tuned to GameSpot, where we’ll have more details on this title as they become available.

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