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Telltale's Game of Thrones Still On Track to Launch This Year

No specific release date revealed, but developer confirms first episode will hit by end of year.

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The first episode in The Walking Dead developer Telltale Games' Game of Thrones adventure game series is still on track to be released before the end of the year. That confirmation confirms from Telltale community specialist Laura Perusco, who revealed the target launch window on Twitter.

"No specific release date announced yet, but I can confirm that the season IS premiering later this year. :)

GameSpot has contacted Telltale for further clarification on the game's release date.

Since its announcement in December 2013, Telltale has kept its Game of Thrones adventure game largely under wraps. Over the past two months, the developer has released various teases about the game's setting, but we have not yet heard much in the way of specifics.

What Telltale has said, is that its Game of Thrones title will be "taking advantage of all the [series'] fiction."

In addition to its Game of Thrones title, Telltale is working on Borderlands spinoff Tales from the Borderlands and a third season of The Walking Dead.

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