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Theatrhythm Final Fantasy coming West this summer

Nintendo 3DS rhythm game arriving in North America, Europe, and other PAL regions sometime this summer.


Theatrhythm Final Fantasy is coming to the West. Square Enix today announced that the 3DS rhythm game spin-off to its role-playing franchise will come to the United States, Europe, and other PAL regions this summer.

Square Enix's beat-matching Final Fantasy game comes West this summer.
Square Enix's beat-matching Final Fantasy game comes West this summer.

The beat-matching game went on sale exclusively in Japan in February, selling more than 67,000 units in that region during its launch week.

The first rhythm game based on the RPG series, Theatrhythm Final Fantasy sports more than 70 scores that span the franchise's quarter-century history.

In the game, players tap the 3DS touch screen to the beat of a selected song, while battle scenes play out based on user performance.

For more on Theatrhythm Final Fantasy, check out GameSpot's previous coverage.

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