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THQ Destroying no Humans on PS3

Publisher pulls the plug on Sony version of Sandblast Games' anti-homo sapiens shooter Path of the Furon; 360 edition still on for December 1.


THQ began the year with a substantial realignment of its product portfolio. After delaying much of its early 2008 lineup due to quality concerns, the publisher enacted sweeping cuts to its full-year slate. As part of those strokes, THQ closed a studio and shelved, among other titles, Savage Entertainment's Destroy All Humans: Big Willy Unleashed for Sony's PlayStation 2 and PSP.

With the year rapidly drawing to a close, THQ will be ending 2008 on much the same note. Today, THQ confirmed that development has halted on the PlayStation 3 edition of Sandblast's Destroy All Humans!: Path of the Furon. Sandblast Games was among the five internal studios THQ shuttered earlier this month.

In a statement issued to Shacknews, THQ said "development issues" were the primary reason in its decision to shelve the PS3 version.

Destroy All Humans!: Path of the Furon for the Xbox 360 is still expected to arrive on retail shelves December 1. For more on the game, check out GameSpot's previous coverage.

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