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THQ reveals Sphinx

THQ and developer Eurocom are working on a new action adventure game for the PlayStation 2 and the GameCube.


THQ has announced that Eurocom is working on a new action adventure game for the PlayStation 2 and GameCube that will focus on ancient Egypt. Players will assume the role of Sphinx, who has to travel throughout the world via magic portals to stop the evil plans of Set and retrieve the stolen crowns of Egypt.

"It is THQ's goal to partner with the top creative talent in the interactive entertainment industry and the team at Eurocom is exactly that," said Alison Locke, executive vice president of North American publishing at THQ. "Sphinx has the potential to be something very special. With its incredible visual style and unsurpassed gameplay, we feel that Sphinx could be one of the defining games for this generation of consoles and beyond."

"Eurocom has been privileged to work with many of the richest characters and worlds in the entertainment industry," said Mat Sneap, company director at Eurocom. We are thrilled to partner with publishing powerhouse THQ and use our experience to create our own successful entertainment franchise. Sphinx will engage players with rich and compelling gameplay, and our proprietary animation system brings a level of expressivity to the characters and worlds not seen before in an interactive experience."

Sphinx is scheduled for release this fall.

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