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THQ to publish Splashdown 2

THQ announces that it will publish Rainbow Studios' Sea-Doo racing sequel this summer.


THQ has today announced that, following its acquisition of Rainbow Studios early last year, it will be publishing Splashdown 2 this summer. The game, which is the first from Rainbow Studios to be published by THQ, was originally in development for Infogrames, who published the original Splashdown on the PS2 and PS2 .

"Rainbow Studios has consistently delivered some of the most innovative interactive entertainment products over the past 15 years," stated Brian Farrell, president and CEO, THQ. "Building on the retail success and critical acclaim of the original Splashdown, we are extremely excited to have Splashdown 2 be the first Rainbow Studios title published by THQ."

"Splashdown 2 is set to redefine the racing genre with its amazing graphics and cinematic gameplay," stated Scott Novis, vice president, Rainbow Studios. "We are thrilled to be able to utilize THQ's unparalleled publishing expertise for the project--this is just the beginning of THQ and Rainbow's partnership to produce true cutting-edge products that push the technology envelope."

Splashdown 2 is a Sea-Doo racing game in which players compete on courses inspired by theme parks and thrill rides, all the while contending with large waves and occasionally strong currents. We'll bring you more information on the game as it becomes available.

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