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Time Crisis Comes Home

The favorite arcade action shooter title, Time Crisis, moves into Japanese homes.


Namco's home version of topnotch arcade title Time Crisis shipped in Japan late last week.

A first-person polygonal railed gun game, Time Crisis differs from others in the genre by giving players the ability to duck behind obstacles to avoid enemy fire and reload, as well as carrying an all important time limit that kills more games then bullets do. While not running quite as fast or as pretty as its arcade counterpart, the PlayStation version is an excellent translation that contains an entirely new mission, almost doubling the size of the game. The title is packed with Namco's own light gun, the GunCon, which hooks up to both the PlayStation and TV video output to guarantee accuracy within a pixel.

Expect a full review of the game on VGS soon, but in the meantime, check out the following screenshots and QuickTime video.

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