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Titanfall Xbox 360 won't be available via Games on Demand

That's because "it simply did not represent the true Titanfall experience," EA says.

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Electronic Arts will not release the Xbox 360 version of Titanfall digitally through Games on Demand, the company announced on its Support website today.

"After extensive testing, we felt that it simply did not represent the true Titanfall experience and it was decided not to release a Games on Demand version," EA said.

Of course, EA never announced in the first place that Titanfall would be available for Xbox 360 through Games on Demand. All the same, EA says its decision to sell Titanfall for Xbox 360 exclusively on-disc is in the best interest of maintaining the integrity of the game.

"We hope players understand this decision was all about quality and making sure you get the best Titanfall experience," EA said.

Titanfall for Xbox 360 launched April 8, about a month after the title's original release for Xbox One and PC. For more, check out GameSpot's review.

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