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Top 10 UK Sales Chart: Super Mario Odyssey Beaten To No.1 By Assassin's Creed Origins

Super Mario Odyssey finishes one place behind Assassin's Creed in the UK physical charts this week.


Last week was huge for the video game release calendar, with Super Mario Odyssey, Assassin's Creed Origins, and Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus all coming out on the same day. And it was Ubisoft's historic open-world game that won the battle to be No.1 in the UK's physical sales charts for the week ending October 28.

Below that, Super Mario Odyssey claims the No.2 spot. Sales monitor Chart-Track says the Mario title is the Switch's biggest launch yet, "comfortably beating The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild." The tracker also states Odyssey's first week was "considerably" bigger than any Wii U game's debut week and that it earned Nintendo its sixth-biggest launch ever in the UK.

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Finally, the week's other big new game, Wolfenstein II, debuts at No.4, with FIFA 18 beating it to the final podium position. Last week's No.1, Gran Turismo Sport, slips to No.5, while Destiny 2's PC launch last week helps Bungie's shooter to No.7.

Assassin's Creed Origins coming top is not hugely surprising, given the series is traditionally hugely successful, and unlike Super Mario Odyssey, it's available on multiple platforms. It was also buoyed by a positive critical reception, including a 7/10 in our Assassin's Creed Origins review. Our Wolfenstein II review, meanwhile, awarded Bethesda's shooter a 9/10.

However, it was Nintendo's latest Switch exclusive that gained the biggest plaudits, including a 10/10 in our verdict. "Odyssey is sustained beyond its major milestones not only through colorful worlds and hidden challenges, but through the sheer joy of controlling Mario, who's never felt more responsive or dynamic in action," wrote GameSpot critic Peter Brown. "Even with everything new that's been introduced, Nintendo's forward-thinking platformer retains the series' classic handcrafted appeal, which is even more impressive when you realize how densely packed each kingdom is. Mario's latest outing is big, bold, and bursting with new ideas, and like Breath of the Wild, is another instance of Nintendo going above and beyond to redefine our expectations. It's a shining example of refined creativity, and another crown jewel for Switch that is without equal." Read our full Super Mario Odyssey review for more.

You can read the full top 10 sales chart below, courtesy of Chart-Track. Note this table does not include digital sales data, and so should not be considered representative of all UK game sales.

  1. Assassin's Creed Origins
  2. Super Mario Odyssey
  3. FIFA 18
  4. Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
  5. Gran Turismo Sport
  6. Grand Theft Auto V
  7. Destiny 2
  8. South Park: The Fractured But Whole
  9. Middle-earth: Shadow of War
  10. WWE 2K18

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