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Tournament Coverage & GameSpot Game Night Info

So in the world of GameSpot gaming, I've got two quick updates. Firstly, if you are hankering for some Command & Conquer 3 action to tide you over until Tournament TV this Friday, check out some footage of today's matches. Scorpion spam and predator rush dominated the field today, though we had an...


So in the world of GameSpot gaming, I've got two quick updates. Firstly, if you are hankering for some Command & Conquer 3 action to tide you over until Tournament TV this Friday, check out some footage of today's matches. Scorpion spam and predator rush dominated the field today, though we had an exciting 25-minute Scrin vs. Scrin showdown as well.

Also check out the information for this Wednesday's GameSpot Game Night. We'll be playing Half-Life 2 Deathmatch this week to help wind down after last week's amazing Halo 3 action. Hope to see you there!

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