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Toys, Toys, Toys

More Duke Nukem toys, a Crash Bandicoot line, and a X-Men vs. Street Fighter series are headed your way in '98.


Resaurus, makers of the recently released Duke Nukem action figure, spoke with GameSpot News this morning about its release plans for additional video game-related toys in '98.

Within the next 60 days, the company will begin shipping figures of Duke Nukem enemies Pig Cop, Octabrain, and Battlelord to stores and hopes to begin producing a Night Strike Duke Nukem toy (featuring the popular character in black camouflage, Navy Seal-like attire) soon.

The company is also considering creating toys to tie into this year's console-only time-traveling Duke title, Duke Nukem: A Time To Kill.

Meanwhile, Resaurus is currently going through final negotiations to bring a Crash Bandicoot toy line out in '98.

Several different Crash figure are planned, each coming with different items such as a surfboard, jetpack, polar bear, crystals, or crates. Other characters are under consideration as well, as are vehicles. "At some point, we'll try to do all the figures," commented Resaurus president Doug Sapp, remarking further that a 12-inch collectable vinyl Crash doll and beanie babies are not out of the question either.

The company should be delivering figures to stores by "fourth quarter of this year," according to Sapp.

In related news, Toy Biz showed off its X-Men vs. Street Fighter line at the Toy Fair convention last week. Shown were two-packs of five-inch high figures such as Apocalypse and Dhalsim, Gambit and Cammie, Juggernaut and Chun Li, and Rogue and Zangief.

For some great coverage of Toy Fair and shots of the X-Men vs. Street Fighter figures, be sure and check out the Raving Toy Maniac fan site.

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