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Trade Wars beta sign-ups, screens

Realm Interactive is now accepting applications to help test Trade Wars: Dark Millennium, its upcoming online role-playing game.


Realm Interactive has announced that it is accepting applications to participate in the beta test of Trade Wars: Dark Millennium, its upcoming online role-playing game. The first phase of beta testing will include 500 testers, and additional testers will be added in future beta phases. To sign up for the beta test, visit the official Trade Wars Web site.

Trade Wars: Dark Millennium is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game inspired by Trade Wars 2002, a classic BBS multiplayer game from the days before the Web. The new game combines elements of role-playing, real-time strategy, and squad-based combat. We've posted some new screens in the gallery above that show off some of the game's characters and environments. For more information, take a look at our previous coverage of the game.

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