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Transformers Universe founders packs unveiled, the most expensive costs $500

Will you Bumblebee buying one?

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Jagex's multiplayer action title Transformers Universe has unveiled its founders program, allowing punters to part with their cash for premium access to the free-to-play game alongside a suite of in-game gear.

There are four tiers of pack to choose from, bronze, silver, gold, and cybernite. All founders program buyers get their names added to an honour roll, and are given a custom avatar and title befitting their level of purchase.

Bronze is the cheapest, priced £29.99 (roughly $50), and includes a 60 day season pass (which deposits new items into your account every month) and £20 worth of in-game currency.

On the other end of the scale is the cybernite pack, which comes in at a staggering £299.99 (approximately $500). Jagex says the packs are competitively priced, and that purchasing the cybernite pack content individually would cost over £480. What do you get, then? Six exclusive, a handful of bodykits, £160 worth of in-game currency, an additional 18 warriors, a whole bevy of in-game items, a 12 month season pass, and an exclusive 50cm limited edition figurine.

Transformers Universe is expected to launch for PC this summer. Those interested can now go and tap their credit card details into the game's official site.

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