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Tribes: Vengeance producer exits

Chris Mahnken leaves the new Tribes title's development team just weeks before game will go on sale.


Chris "Thrax" Mahnken has left the Tribes: Vengeance development team just a few weeks before the game's slated release. Mahnken's departure from the team working on the title, published by VU Games, comes on the heels of massive layoffs by the company. Mahnken posted the following message on the Tribal War Web site: "Just a few short weeks before Tribes will hit the shelves my time has run out. I was given a 90-day extension to stay on at Sierra (the building has been nearly empty for a month now) and finish Tribes. We're now in a great position, ready to ship, and I'm confident that the team in Australia will do a fantastic job finishing the game. It's been a pleasure. I'm tired. I need a rest. As a member of Sierra and the Tribes development team, good-bye."

Tribes: Vengeance is the latest installment in the multiplayer action series for the PC. It is scheduled for release on October 12.

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