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Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion Update

Take a look at some new screens and info on Turok 3, coming this fall for the Nintendo 64.


Acclaim has released some new information and screens of Turok 3 for the Nintendo 64. Slated to release this fall, Turok 3 will pick up right where Turok 2: Seeds of Evil left off - when gamers were first introduced to Oblivion.

The creature Oblivion has reigned since even before the start of this earth and has sustained himself by invading the bodies of the living and devouring them from the inside out. Oblivion was pushed to the brink of destruction when Primagen's Lightship was destroyed, as was the entire universe. This is when the Lost Land was born - and when Oblivion first felt hatred. So now he seeks a means to punch through the Netherscape that separates our world from the Lost Land (and the Lost Land from many other worlds). The last of the pure energy that nearly wiped out Oblivion is contained in the Light Burdon that every member of the Turok lineage has carried. If the Turok mantle is killed, this will signal the rebirth of Oblivion ...

As for what to expect in Turok 3, Acclaim says there will be 20 levels to traverse. These will span five dark environments, including an underwater military base, the ruins of a futuristic city, and the jungles of the Lost Lands. And in these 20 levels there will be 24 different weapons to find (including a Stealth Rifle, Eviscerator, and Inferno Cannon), all of which can be upgraded. More than 40 enemies will be ready to put a stop to you as you make your journey through the wild worlds.

Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion will let you control two main characters and feature Save Anywhere and Autosave functions. Also in the game is an expansive multiplayer mode, which will feature 48 unique maps and eight modes of play, including Blood Lust, Monkey Tag, Capture the Flag, and Color Tag.

We'll be delivering much more on Turok 3 in the near future, but for now check out these new screens.

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