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Video Q&A: Midway's big bets in 07

Last week, Midway Games and its president and CEO, David Zucker, unveiled the publisher's upcoming game lineup. The video interview from Vegas is inside.


Midway Games president and CEO David Zucker leaned in to his company's upcoming game lineup at the 2007 Midway Gamers' Day event in Las Vegas last week. In this interview, Zucker pays special attention to the Wii (which he lauds), Unreal Tournament 3 for the Xbox 360 (one of the big news items to come from the event), and his high hopes for The Wheelman, a game currently in development at Midway's Newcastle studio in the UK (watch for "unbelievable stunts, and gameplay in the vehicles that's never been seen before," according to Zucker).

If you missed our coverage of the Midway event, this roundup will bring you up to date on all the news announced.

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