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Vietcong vehicles unveiled

Gathering of Developers updates its official Vietcong site with details on the vehicles that will appear in the game. New screens inside.


Gathering of Developers has today updated the official Vietcong Web site with information on the vehicles that will appear in the game. There are six vehicles detailed in all, including the F-5 Freedom Fighter warplane, the CH47 Chinook and UHD1 Huey helicopters, the M151 Mutt and GAZ 69 jeeps, and the ZPU-2 antiaircraft machine gun.

Vietcong is an action game in which players assume the role of an elite US soldier during the Vietnam War. The game is scheduled for release in North America before the end of the year and will be available in Europe in the first quarter of 2003. For more information, check out our previous coverage of the game.

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