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Watch: New Battlefield Hardline Campaign Footage

Visceral Games releases extended gameplay trailer for 2015's game.

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We now know a lot more about the single-player campaign for 2015's Battlefield Hardline, as developer Visceral Games today released an extended gameplay trailer showing it off in great detail.

Take a look at the video above, where GameSpot editors Aaron Sampson and Peter Brown walk you through the new footage and give you their thoughts about it.

Battlefield Hardline varies significantly from past Battlefield games in that it's not actually set on a battlefield, but rather in city streets. In this case, that's Miami for some sections.

Overall, Battlefield Hardline's story is aiming for a tone that most games don't have, according to writer Tom Bissell. The game was originally targeted to launch last month, but it's now scheduled for release March 17, 2015 across Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PC.

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