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Watch the MotorStorm Tourney TV

I'm a Poet and Don't Know It.Roses Are Red,Dirt is Light Brown.Watch the MotorStorm Tourney TV,We'll have four guys in town!OK, so my attempts at poetry are failing miserably. Point is, this Friday we'll have four of the ten finalists here in the studios for our most awesome Tournament TV yet...


I'm a Poet and Don't Know It.

Roses Are Red,
Dirt is Light Brown.
Watch the MotorStorm Tourney TV,
We'll have four guys in town!

OK, so my attempts at poetry are failing miserably. Point is, this Friday we'll have four of the ten finalists here in the studios for our most awesome Tournament TV yet. They'll be playing MotorStorm on the PlayStation 3. Ten guys, kicking up dust and racing for the finish line in what may very well be the most nail-biting competition we've ever seen at GameSpot. Check it out!

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