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WePlay Season 3 announced; $200,000+ prize pool guaranteed

The WePlay League has returned with the announcement of season 3 featuring a base prize pool of $200,000 along with 25% of the Compendium sales.


This article was originally published on GameSpot's sister site, which was dedicated to esports coverage.

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The WePlay League returns with a bang today announcing season 3 of the league which is set to have over $200,000 in base prize pool money and will make use of the revenue sharing ticket which will provide an extra 25% from the sales of the WePlay Compendium directly to the prize pool. All teams that make it to the main event will have their travel expenses covered by WePlay.

WePlay League Season 3 will consist of four different regional qualifiers which will take place later this month and is open to any team wanting to sign up. The top four teams from each of the different regional qualifiers will advanced into the next stage where they will face off against 16 of the top invited teams in order to have a shot at advancing to the main event.

From this second stage the winners of each division will advance directly to the finals with the runners up also being flown across in order to compete in a last chance fight for the main event bringing the total to eight teams attending the main event.

The main event will take place at the International Exhibition Centre in Kiev, Ukraine on December the 11th to the 14th and guarantees the winner a minimum of $100,000 for 1st place.

International Exhibition Centre in Kiev, Ukraine
International Exhibition Centre in Kiev, Ukraine

The coverage for WePlay League Season 3 will be provided in English by JoinDOTA and in Russian by Natus Vincere's VeRsuta and LighTofHeaveN.

Season 3 Regional Qualifier Divisions

  1. China (Perfect World Telecom Servers)
  2. Asian (Singaporean Servers)
  3. Atlantic (US East Servers)
  4. EuroCIS (Luxembourg Servers)

The qualifiers will be broken into two different waves are will be open to any team wanting to sign up. The top four from each division will advance to the next stage where they will face off against the 16 invited top tier teams.

You can sign up for the qualifiers here:

First Wave

  • China - August 15th to 17th
  • Asia - August 15th to 17th
  • Atlantic - August 19th to 21st
  • EuroCIS - August 22nd to 24th

Second Wave

  • China - August 19th to 21st
  • Asia - August 22nd to 24th
  • Atlantic - August 26th to 28th
  • EuroCIS - August 26th to 28th

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