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We're giving away an Xperia Play

Next week, GameSpot UK is giving away one of the first Xperia Play handsets. Find out how it can be yours!


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Next week, GameSpot UK will be giving away a brand new Sony Ericsson Xperia Play, which was previously dubbed the PlayStation Phone, to one lucky reader. We've managed to secure one of the First 10 to give away to one of you, our dear readers, as well as five pairs of tickets to the London launch party for runners-up.

One of these could soon be yours.
One of these could soon be yours.

How do you go about winning this amazing prize? Well, make sure you come back here, to the GameSpot UK London Calling blog, on Monday, March 21 at 11 a.m. Oh, and be sure to bring your thinking caps, as the competition will take the form of an elaborate online treasure hunt. We can't say any more at this stage, but make sure you're prepared to figure out the fiendish puzzles we'll be giving you.

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