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Where To Find Majora's Mask - Zelda Breath Of The Wild DLC Guide

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Sans creepy, overbearing moon

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild's first DLC pack, called The Master Trials, is finally out. Aside from a couple new armor sets, it also introduces a variety of new masks to find, such as the powerful Majora's Mask, which series fans know was wielded by the lonely and vengeful Skull Kid. While the game offers clues to help you find it, you can head straight there if you're privy to where its located.

Majora's Mask offers Link light protection overall, but also possesses a few unique powers. For example, when in the presence of weaker foes, the mask will make them ignore you, allowing you to easily move across common areas.

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Location: Within the Kolomo Garrison Ruins, there is a chest buried in the ground right outside the main building in the corner on the south end. Inside is Majora's Mask. In the images above, you'll be able to see its location on the map, in the field, and the discovery in the chest.

The Master Trials DLC is one of two DLC packs available via the Breath of the Wild Expansion Pass, which includes a second DLC pack coming in December for $20 on the Nintendo Eshop. For more on The Master Trials DLC content, check out our roundup detailing where to find all the new armor sets and items. And be sure to follow all our Zelda guides and videos for more on the DLC.

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Alessandro Fillari

I'm an editor and producer at GameSpot with more than 10 years of experience covering the Games Industry. I love Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, and Metal Gear Solid, and I hope we'll one day see a new game for the latter's franchise. My job entails bringing in opportunities and producing some amazing features and content for GameSpot--I'm basically the Arthur Morgan of GameSpot.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

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