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With Borderlands 3 Coming, Franchise Nearing 25 Million Units Shipped

8 million units shipped during the most recent fiscal year alone.


The Borderlands franchise has now sold-in, i.e. shipped, nearly 25 million units. 2K Games parent publisher Take-Two Interactive announced the milestone as part of its latest earnings report.

Take-Two did not provide a game-by-game sales breakdown. However, the company said it shipped more than 8 million Borderlands games in its fiscal 2015.

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The franchise debuted in 2009 with the original Borderlands, with sequel Borderlands 2 arriving in 2012. That game is the best-selling title in 2K's history and has sold "well over" 12 million copies.

A third game, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, was released in 2014 for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 before being ported to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 through the Handsome Collection earlier this year.

In January 2015, Gearbox officially announced the next game in the Borderlands series, which studio president Randy Pitchford described as "the big one." Take-Two later clarified that this game is being developed "specifically for next-gen."

Gearbox hasn't said whether the new Borderlands game is Borderlands 3, but given the fact that Pitchford has called it the "big one," it seems likely. No release date, or even a projection of a release date, has been announced for the game yet.

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