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Won't You Take Me to...Hockey Tooooooown!

The one-two-three punch of hockey games is coming next week, and the first of that volley, NHL 2K6, has been reviewed. As you can see by the score, it's definitely a great game. Maybe not as amazing as it's been in years past, but hey, it's the end of a console generation--everything's going to...


No Caption ProvidedThe one-two-three punch of hockey games is coming next week, and the first of that volley, NHL 2K6, has been reviewed. As you can see by the score, it's definitely a great game. Maybe not as amazing as it's been in years past, but hey, it's the end of a console generation--everything's going to feel a little stilted. Anyway, regardless as to the slight drop in amazingness, I still enjoyed the hell out of playing it, and will likely continue to do so for the next several months. Anyone want to start up an Xbox league?

Just in case you're pressed for time, I'll answer the obvious questions. No, the rosters are not even close to up-to-date. Yes, all the new rules are in. There's no salary cap, but a hard team budget that doesn't seem to waver, so it's basically the same thing. Yes, they fixed some of the problems with the franchise mode, like the playoffs injury bug and the lack of an interest meter for free agents. Yes, the franchise mode does still have a couple of issues (nothing as big as the playoffs injury bug, though--not that I saw anyway). No, goalie control is not fun. Yes, the pro passing system is rad. Yes, online is still fun. No, the menus are not good, and the lack of the authentic ESPN presentation hurts the overall package.

Any more questions? Post 'em here, and I'll try and answer when I get a chance. If you don't hear from me, it's probably because I'm too busy playing the game, or either of the other two hockey games coming out next week. Jesus H. Christ, why would all three hockey games come out on the same day? What god would let that happen? Who up there hates me?

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