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WoW Is Not Coming To Consoles, Blizzard Says Once More

Unlike many other PC MMOs, Blizzard's game is not making the jump from PC to console.


Blizzard has confirmed that it has "no plans" to bring World of Warcraft to console, following renewed speculation that it might be happening. A rating for WoW's upcoming Shadowlands expansion in Brazil listed it for Xbox Series X, but a spokesperson for Blizzard said this was an error.

"We currently have no plans to bring World of Warcraft or Shadowlands to Xbox Series X," a spokesperson told Polygon. "The platform was listed on the Brazil Ministry of Justice rating website in error, and the entry has since been updated to reflect that the game is coming only to PC."

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Now Playing: How Shadowlands Brings New Ideas To World Of Warcraft

Before this, data-miners found references to controller support in Shadowlands' code, leading some to believe a console port was coming. Blizzard is adding controller support for Shadowlands, but it is meant to help people with limited mobility play the game.

Asked if this controller support was a first step toward releasing WoW on console, game director Ion Hazzikostas told GameSpot, "No. This is not that."

Shadowlands is the eighth expansion for WoW, and it is scheduled for release later in 2020. As its name suggests, the expansion takes players to the world of the dead. Unlike all the previous expansions, Shadowlands actually reduces the level cap to 60, down from 120, as part of a unique twist. Players can begin trying out Shadowlands for themselves right now with the beta.

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