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Xbox One/PS4/PC Tactical RPG The Dwarves Revealed

"We're putting dwarves front and center in our new RPG."


A new tactical RPG about dwarves is coming to the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

The game is called The Dwarves, and German developer KingArtGames (The Book of Unwritten Tales) explains that it puts dwarves "front and center." Players can also expect physics-based combat and an "intriguing story" based on the novel The Dwarves by Markus Heitz.

The trailer, which you can watch below, shows off some of the game's dynamic battles and its authentic "flocking behavior." The developer explains: "If a dwarf lands a mighty blow with a heavy war hammer, struck orcs are thrown back, and some of them might even be pushed into an abyss."

Levels are presented from an isometric perspective, not unlike Pillars of Eternity or Divinity: Original Sin.

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KingArtGames will be showing off The Dwarves at Gamescom next month. For a closer look at The Dwarves, which launches in 2016, check out some images in the gallery below.

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