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You Can Play Battlefield 1 Early, if You're Willing to Pay Extra

Get your hands on Battlefield 1 starting on October 18.


Update: Early access is also available on all platforms if you purchase a deluxe edition of the game. This provides an avenue for those on PS4 to play the game early.

Original Story: Among the benefits of EA and Origin Access is early access to upcoming EA games. The newly revealed Battlefield 1 is no exception.

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Now Playing: Battlefield 1 - Announcement Trailer

As part of the game's announcement today, EA confirmed Access members will get to play Battlefield 1 early on Xbox One (if you're an EA Access subscriber) and PC (Origin Access). Rather than the usual five-day early look, however, Access members will get their hands on a trial version of the full game starting on October 18. That's three days before the official release, on October 21.

EA Access and Origin Access are EA's subscription services on Xbox One and PC, respectively. $5 per month or $30 per year gets you full digital versions of upcoming EA releases, which you're able to play for a limited amount of time. Other benefits include a vault of free games you're able to play as much as you want and discounts on digital EA purchases. A PlayStation version of the service is not yet available.

Battlefield 1 is set during World War I and features battleships, horses, and a more open-ended single-player mode. For more, check out our story on its announcement.

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