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Youngblood Delayed

GT's Youngblood meets delays for both the PlayStation and PC


Players will have to wait a little bit longer for the latest in a string of titles attempting to disprove the belief that all comic-based games are horrible. GT Interactive informed GameSpot News on Friday that Realtime Associates' Youngblood for the Sony PlayStation has been pushed back to an undisclosed date. The PC version, however, is now set for May.

Based on the comic book from Rob Liefeld's Awesome Entertainment, Youngblood is a top-down game with eleven real-time missions. Players control teams of two to four heroes - including Badrock, Vogue, Riptide, and Diehard - who battle Green Dynamo and Giger. The characters gain experience points and obtain conversational clues in gameplay.

It is unknown if the delay will allow RealTime to bring the game's story more in line with the new Youngblood comic series, which is currently being penned by Watchman scripter Alan Moore and features an entire change of lineup save for one character. Youngblood #1 will ship later this month.

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