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Zhang 'LaNm' Zhicheng has confirmed his retirment following Valve's fourth edition of The International

Making up one fifth of the Asian superteam DK, LaNm will not be continuing his career as a professional Dota player due to personal commitments.


This article was originally published on GameSpot's sister site, which was dedicated to esports coverage.

Consisting of the premier talent from five of Asia's most competitive teams, the 2013-2014 iteration of Team DK will already be separated a mere day after TI4 ended. Zhang 'LaNm' Zhicheng will be leaving the prestigious organisation in favor of settling down with his current girlfriend. This was confirmed in an interview with, where he stated that his games at TI4 would be his last.

LaNm, who had already mentioned his current personal situation in Valve's video introduction to the team, has put of his marriage with his fiancé throughout most of his competitive career, and confirmed yesterday on his Weibo that his decision to retire is final. Where the Dota Kings lay their heads now is a mystery as, aside from Zhicheng, carry player Xu 'BurNIng' Zhilei as well as DK support player Lei 'MMY' Zhengrong have made mentions of potentially retiring following the massive 10 million dollar event. In the case of BurNIng, yesterday's finalist Bai 'rOtk' Fan supported the notion of Zhilei retiring in a post-game interview after having advanced on to the grand finals. "He's the player I respect the most, and it is unfair that his career ended without at least one TI title", Fan said.

Team DK had to settle with fourth place at TI4 and won a total of $820,000.

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Photo Credit: Valve

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