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Zona becomes PS2 middleware licensee

The company will provide its network solutions for the development of massively multiplayer PlayStation 2 games.


Redwood City, Calif.-based Zona has announced that it has been licensed by Sony Computer Entertainment as a tools and middleware partner for the PlayStation 2. The company will provide PS2 developers with server solutions in the development of massively multiplayer online games for the console. Zona's product, called Terazona, is a highly scalable, fault-tolerant server engine for online games capable of supporting tens of thousands of users on a server.

"By obtaining this SCEI license, Zona further demonstrates our commitment to providing online games with a huge capacity, highly scalable, low cost, and fault-tolerant network solution,'' said Montgomery Singman, CEO of Zona. "SCEI is one of the most respected computer entertainment system companies in the world, and we are very pleased to have received the PlayStation 2 tools and middleware license.''

Sony will launch its online network early next year.

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