Gave it 8 comparing to last year's failure.

User Rating: 8 | Assassin's Creed Syndicate PS4

Yes, everyone knows that AC:Unity on PS4 was horrible...sometimes playing it with 19fps-20fps was just...arrgh...don't want to remember it...

Syndicate, on the other hand, offers us a much stable gameplay, locked at 30fps with 900p...of course, we would expect a 1080p with 60fps, but we'll get there someday...MGS:V did it, so why not Ubisoft?

Jacob and Eve Frye...some characters they are, I felt more connection with each one of them than I felt with Arno Dorian. He is a funny amusing guy, she is the brain of the family.

London is fantastic, even for 900p...i imagine what it will look when the PC version comes out!

My point is, give it a try...The last time I went to complete 100% of an Assassin's Creed's game was in ACII...and with Syndicate I'm aiming for it.

All in all, everyone knows that it will run much better on a ultra-gaming PC, but for those who don't want to spend 200€-300€ each 2 years upgrading that gaming PC, the PS4 is clearly a great machine to play this game. Let's hope that in the future Ubisoft aims for a better graphic and fps performance (no, not like AC:Unity with all that crowd on the boring and frustrating having to run the streets of Paris hitting everyone...)