Why? Just why?

User Rating: 3 | Assassin's Creed Syndicate PS4

Perhaps I made a mistake by playing Unity and Syndicate back-to-back. But I honestly felt I was playing the same game almost. What really pissed me off was the following:

1. Developers learned nothing for the community regarding Unity.

2. Developers decided to place a bunch of SJW liberal BS into a video game! Seriously? It's a video game! I'm playing a video game to escape that BS. I stopped watching TV because of it. Should I stop playing video games as well?

3. Story is bad. Just bad. Unity's story was even better. AC:2 had the best story so far. Black Flag and Unity I would say are up there for 2nd and 3rd, respectively. But this story is meh. Character development was meh. I couldn't get into any of the characters. I did appreciate the intellectuals and savants of that time, placed in the game.

4. London, although great rendering similar to Paris in the last game, it feels empty -- unlike Paris in the last game.

Otherwise, this game still suffers from many things that Unity did. But story and character development are the main problems. Please for the love of God, hire a good writer!! I would even take a reduction in graphics if it means a better story and character development!

Up next is Origins. I honestly don't have high hopes. But let's find out.